Artifacts – Other Expansions
Sometimes small items can be precious as gems…
Enhance your game experience with these legendary accessories!
Note: These game expansions are also perfectly compatible with S&S: Immortal Souls saga.
Alternate Gender Heroes
Match your preferences with the heroes’ gender!
Tiny, cute and fantastic beasts on your side to the battlefield!
The world of Sword & Sorcery is imbued with many mystical secrets, and familiars are but one of these! These strange and intelligent creatures are able to create a magical link with their humanoid friends.
The ancient scrolls of the archmagi classify familiars into three types, each of them characterized by a deeper bond with the owner:
Domestic {Dog}.
Wild {Boar, Horned Lizard, Owl}.
Legendary {Pixie}.
Domestic {Cat, Crow}.
Wild {Bat}.
Legendary {Drakeling, Imp}.
Each familiar can offer valuable help on the battlefield or grant peculiar abilities to its owner, but this great bond has a downside. When a familiar dies, its owner suffers a terrible mental shock, which hampers his skills for a time.
Choose your set between Lawful or Chaotic Familiars and bring these magic friends into the world of Sword & Sorcery.